Brazilian Blowouts Before and After
By now you’ve most likely heard of Brazilian Blowouts but if you haven’t had it done or haven’t seen the dramatic results of having a Brazilian Blowout done, then here is an article that will most likely help you to have a better understanding of Brazilian Blowouts and all you need to know about them.
Brazilian Blowouts have become known for how you can transform your hair from frizzy to sleek and controllable but an additional benefit is the intense shine that you will get with a Brazilian Blowout!
What Is Brazilian Blowout?
The Brazilian Blowout is a hair treatment that uses liquid keratin formula that bonds to hair creating a protective layer around each hair strand which will effectively reduces if not completely removes hair frizz. This keratin treatment seals the cuticle and protects against external damage to your hair. As the name suggests, the Brazilian Blowout originated in Brazil and uses ingredients indigenous to the country, such as acai berry, camu camu and annatto seed to mention a few.
Brazilian Blowout treatment will leave your hair less frizzy, hydrated and more resilient to heat styling which will in turn allow your hair to heal and become more healthy and with amazing shine!
Will It Completely Straighten My Hair?
Brazilian Blowout can be used to completely straighten your hair, but only if that’s what you want. If you don’t want completely straight hair but want to reduce frizz and want that amazing shine, then you can also have curly hair with Brazilian Blowout. It’s entirely up to you to decide what style you want with your Brazilian Blowout and then to communicate that well with your stylist as she/he will be able to achieve which ever style you want.
Is Brazilian Blowout Safe?
The short answer is, “YES”. But not only is it safe, but it is confirmed that Brazilian Blowout treatment actually helps to improve shine and moisture in your hair strands. Some people have concerns because of the use of formaldehyde in the formula, but there isn’t any more used in the formula that you will find in nail polish and that amount used is so insignificant that you have nothing to worry about.
If you have color-treated hair, you have nothing to worry about because Brazilian Blowout is also safe on hair that has been colored. It’s actually recommended that you get Brazilian Blowout the same day you get your hair colored as the cuticle is already open from the color so this is an advantage.
The only situation that you may experience is if the stylist isn’t experienced and uses the flat iron improperly and too hard on your hair. If you have hair that is sensitive a lot of heat, be sure to tell your stylist before having a Brazilian Blowout.
How Long Does It Take for Brazilian Blowout?
The overall process typically takes no more than one hour to an hour and a half. Sometimes it can take as long as two hours but that is not typical. Your stylist will begin by shampooing your hair three or four times to remove all the product and create a base for the treatment to adhere. Working section by section, the Brazilian Blowout formula will be applied from root to tip, then blow-dried smooth. A flat iron heated to 450 degrees will seal it in, followed by a deep conditioning mask. Finally, your hair will once again be blow-dried smooth.
How Long Will A Brazilian Blowout Last?
Most Brazilian Blowouts can last up to three to four months providing you don’t use shampoos that contain sulfates and/or chorine.
Once your Brazilian Blowout wears off, your hair will return to his natural curl pattern. You’ll begin to see the change near your hairline first. This will be your sign that it’s time to schedule your next Brazilian Blowout treatment. Even if you don’t get it touched up right away, there’s no obvious line of demarcation between the previously treated hair and new growth, unlike with other relaxing or straightening methods.